by Jennifer Good
Let's face it, no one is perfect. No matter how hard you try, or howloving and respectful of a couple you are, you are bound to get intoa disagreement once in a while. With a few tips though, it doesn'thave to be something that can harm your relationship. The next timeyou feel an argument starting to form keep in mind these 8 ways tohandle an argument!
1. Give your partner enough space to voice his or her concerns.I'm sure you hate it when people interrupt you; give your partnerthe same respect -- even if you don't agree with what they aresaying.
2. Make an extra effort to really understand what you partner istrying to say.It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking you know what theyare saying, when in fact you may not have a clue. If your partnerfeels like you understand what they are saying, you'll find a way toend the argument far more quickly.
3. Don't say something you'll regret later.Always consider your relationship like a glass. It is sturdy, tough,beautiful and clear when taken care of, but if it is mistreated ormishandled it can end up scratched, cracked or even broken. Takecare in choosing the words you say when you are in the heat of themoment.
4. Don't bring in past woes.The past is the past... let it stay there. If you dwell on pastoccurrences, you'll never find a solution for the future yourpartner will feel less loved and respected, and you will always feelnegatively towards your partner. People make mistakes. Give yourpartner the chance to recover from them, and encourage and supportthem when they make the right choices.
5. Learn to compromise.If you can learn to compromise, you'll find yourself in fewerdisagreements. If you don't like something, then agree with yourpartner to find some middle ground. This also applies the other way.Be willing to come up with alternative solutions for things yourpartner doesn't like as well!
6. Realize that no matter what you say, you both may not agree onthe issue at hand.An argument is typically started because you want someone to agreewith you about something. You think that the other person must notknow all the facts, so you begin to explain it to them. The moreyour partner still disagrees with you, the more upset you usuallyget. But, if you realize that sometimes it is best to just letyourselves agree to disagree -- you'll show your partner that younot only respect their opinion, but respect their individuality aswell. You never know, maybe later on they (or even you!) mightchange their mind.
7. Make a commitment to talk about the situation until it is handled.It's far too easy to run off and avoid your partner, or give themthe silent treatment. Instead, make a commitment right now to eachother to respect each other enough to work it out -- even if ittakes all night. Nothing is unsolvable when you are working togetherto truly find a peaceful resolution.
8. Make your relationship with your partner your first concern whenyou are in the middle of a disagreement.This does not mean bend over backwards for them or compromise yourintegrity. Just keep in mind that the person you are arguing with isyour best friend, lover and soul mate. If you both keep that at theforefront of your mind in an argument, it will keep what mattersmost away from cruel words
"When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package."-- John Ruskin--
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